I'm Back

It’s currently 2:40 am as I’m writing this. I’m not too sure why I insist on staying up this late, since I definitely do not plan on finishing my final paper at the moment, but here I am typing away while my roommate is fast asleep across the room. 

After a month of neglecting this blog, aware the whole time that I was putting this site at the back of my mind, I have returned. And before you think, “oh she must’ve been busy with school,” no, I wasn’t. I had plenty of nights where I could have easily found time to continue posting, but it seemed as if I lost a spark. 

These periods of motivation and productiveness appear to come and go for me, and the past month had me in a bit of a funk. For some odd reason, I found myself in a stand-still that I think just needed a bit of encouragement and inspiration. Still, at this moment, I have no idea what moved me to type in my URL in the address bar for the first time in weeks. But, by doing that led to my entire evening being dedicated to revamping my entire site, and…I love it. 

First off, the newly added pink accents make me so giddy. And second, it’s so much more sleek and easy to navigate. 

So, as my first semester in Boston comes to a fast end, my leftover posts of the school year should be on it’s way to this page. 

Here’s to getting excited about this personal project again!